Sunday, July 18, 2010

Statal Inception

Have you ever watched a movie that so engrossed you that it took you time to recover from the state of mind brought on by the film?

For example, when I saw the original Pirates of the Caribbean for the first (and probably second and third) time, I walked out with a swagger. I was under no illusion that I was Captain Jack Sparrow (I'm not so far gone as that--at least not yet), but I was completely taken captive by the uniqueness and winsomeness of his character to the extent that I adopted his mannerisms for about thirty minutes after we left the theater. (My girlfriend was kind to put up with me that day.)

In a similar way when I first saw The Dark Knight I walked away feeling that the world was a sinister place beyond hope; it was not until I got home and was back in my apartment that I smiled at the charade. In this movie it was not a character which was so alluring but the theme.

So tonight I saw Inception. The result? My mind was complete mush for a good half hour or so.

Have you had experiences like these? What film did it for you? What was the resulting state or feeling?